
life in the fifth dimension.

The first, a line is drawn, its purpose to provide length,
The second, another joined, thus width was made, an afternoon well spent.
The third, yet one more abides, depth was swiftly gained,
The fourth, time is called, from infinity ordained.
Yet the fifth, I deem the most import, though much little of is said,
Like time it can be felt, like lines it should be seen, but oft goes unnoticed instead.
The fifth, resides in everything at once, and makes all things pure,
When in seen in full glory bared, it humbles, be assured.
The fifth, transcends all knowledge, it comes from above,
The fifth I do embrace, and gladly call it love.
Oh how life in the fifth dimension is beautiful beyond compare,
I have made it my resting place, tell me, do you so dare?

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